Arizona Republic
November 18, 2006

Estimated printed pages: 2

Extremism should be permanently out of favor in America if this country wants to continue to be the beacon of liberty and freedom. In no issue was this more evident than on the anti-immigrant rhetoric that certain politicians prescribed to us, the American citizens, with so virulent and ignorant arguments.

After years of a system that encouraged and facilitated the entrance of undocumented migrants, the right wing of the Republican Party fueled a climate of hysteria against a group of hard-working individuals, creating distrust and anger among Hispanics.

Some individuals felt encouraged to be rude and xenophobic to all Hispanics, given what they heard from their extreme politicians. Their attacks were so out of control that many of us, recent immigrants and now citizens of this country, feel increasing aggression and hostility.

The Arizona Republic has noted a tendency toward the support of moderate Republicans during these past elections.

Your Opinions column noted that among the moderates is Mr. Jay Tibshraeny.
The former mayor of Chandler learned moderation the hard way. Let's not forget that 10 years ago, Chandler had its "Russell Pearce moment" when under Tibshraeny's watch, an immigrant roundup called "Operation Restoration" was conducted.

Things are easier said than done, as Mr. Tibshraeny discovered. When human rights are violated, you are very likely stepping on the civil rights of people living legally in this country and costly lawsuits will follow.

Moderation, with a good dosage of reason and knowledge, is the answer for this and many problems that our nation faces.

-- Carmen Cornejo

Edition: Final Chaser
Section: Chandler Republic
Page: 47

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