Study habits come from home
Arizona Daily Star
Tucson, Arizona | Published:
Claritza Santa Maria, 17
Desert View High School
With the diverse number of children, races, and ethnicities mixed intolarge schools, teachers aren't always able to adapt. All kids learn differently and react differently to education, either accepting it with an open mind or shutting it out. Some students have set themselves with goals and aspire to great things in the future, while others slack off and could care less about their nine-week report card, GPA or class standing.
The way students view education and the standards they set comes from within their household. If parents aren't pushing their children to do homework every night, get good grades on tests and turn in all assignments, or simply pushing them to be a success in school, kids won't do it.
I think the reason there are so many failing schools in Arizona is because this generation doesn't have the fire inside of them to work hard. Kids want everything to be handed directly to them. They don't want to take that extra hour of TV they watch every night and put it toward studying for a math test the next day. Instead they sit back, enjoy their shows, and cram all they can 10 minutes before the teacher hands out the test. They blow off homework, and then they blow the test.
Social status in high school is a major priority for the most part. Talking on the phone, catching up on today's gossip and texting about 1,000 times a day cloud kids' minds, thinking that is what they need to be doing to survive in school just so others can look at them and think "they're cool."
Kids are setting their priorities all wrong. The priorities that should be on top are on bottom and vice versa. Kids are now placing their main concern into beating the newest Halo 3 video game, being up-to-date with the latest fashion trends, and even waiting to see what in the world is going to happen next on "The Hills." This isn't the case for all students. There is a small minority that does have its goals and future set. For many, school doesn't come first and this shows when schools are failing.
The easy way out is to blameteachers. Either the work is too difficult so the state lowers the difficulty, or the teachers aren't teaching the material properly. Even if any one of these scenarios was actually true, the students are still responsible for making the effort to succeed in the classroom.
I have had a handful of teachers who, according to my standards, shouldn't be allowed to even enter a classroom. If I didn't understand the way they presented the material to me, I went to a teacher who I was comfortable with and asked for their help.
If the teacher isn't the problem and it's just that the work is too complex, take advantage of tutoring and get the help that's needed. Many options are available ; it's up to us to use them.